About Me

  1. 👋 Hi, I’m Brian Koech.

  2. 👀 My interests are:

    • Software Engineering [Python - Django, DjangoRest, FastAPI, Flask.
    • Data Science & Analytics.
    • Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing.
  3. 🌱 I’m working on all the above and learning more technologies.

  4. 🌱 Experienced in DevOps and ICT Project Management.

  5. 🌱 I love Technical writing and sharing my passion for ICT.

  6. 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Software Engineering and Data Science / ML / AI Projects - Applications in Open Data, Education, Agriculture, Water, Climate Change & other Humanitarian centred fields.

  7. 📫 How to reach me: brightkoech@libranconsult.com